The Great Bedding Debate; - Dearie Lovie

The Great Bedding Debate;

July 12, 2011

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College is next month and I've got so much piling up on my plate. One thing I've not prepped for yet? My dorm room. It's sort of been pushed menacingly to the back burner as I attempt to figure out the scary grown up world of loans, financial aid, working extra shifts, and...yah know...how to pump my own gas and deposit my own checks.

My biggest woe of the moment? BEDDING. FRIGGIN' BEDDING. I'm in a bedding pickle I just can't seem to commit to anything. Do I go for cheaper bedding that I like, but am not totally sold on (example 1)? Do I try to go for bedding that already matches things that I own, so I don't have to buy new color coordinated items for my whole room (examples 1&2)? Or do I go for white bedding (example 4)? It's neutral and I can spice it up fun and colorful sheets and pillows. Sheets are way less expensive than brand new bedding and I can get a variety of looks. However, isn't white bedding is just asking to get soiled with stains?

The one piece of bedding I'd commit to in a hot second would be example 3. It's bright, incorporates a bit of white space, is whimsical, and has a variety of colors that would match my current stuff. However, they only have it in Queen sized. I need twin or full sized bedding. -Sigh-

What to do?

Any suggestions, links to your favorite bedding, pillows, sheets, dorm or room apparel etc would be highly appreciated! How did you decorate your dorm room or bedroom? Any tips?

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