
April 08, 2013

These days my mind is on the concept of 'reverting' and reverting back to times in your life - touchstones - rehashing and reliving and reinventing in the present. It seems like the concept of reverting is no stranger in the world of fashion or trends. The industry is constantly throwing back to decades and trends past, reinventing them so they are new and fresh and vital again. I keep wondering if I can do this as a person, with my soul or appearance. Can I throw back to times gone by, people I've been previously and reinvent myself in the present to be fresh and vital yet again? It's a strange concept to consider.

I just know that summer is on my mind and I'll be reverting back to living at home, old ways of life, old routines and patterns. I've also got nothing but pink hair on my mind - a throw back to beginning of senior year. Yes, the concept of reverting has been weighing heavily on my mind. Is the past the new present?

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